Workplace Wisdom

How to handle the times when work, well…to put it bluntly, just sucks.

What are your Elephants in the Room?

What are your Elephants in the Room?

“What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us.” ~ Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life We all have beliefs that help us move forward and grow. This blog, however, is about those beliefs that...

What If 2021 Is My Best Year Ever!

What If 2021 Is My Best Year Ever!

2020 has been the most long-drawn-out year I have ever experienced, not only challenging because of Covid-19 but mentally exhausting and stressful.  Many suffer from Pandemic fatigue, feeling...

Chris skillfully coached me to recognize my strengths and leverage them

It is likely that you are considering a course of action to improve your leadership skills. It is also likely that this is something that you have been thinking about for some time; perhaps you read some books and took some company sponsored training or workshops. You are probably doing OK, but wondering if there isn’t something that you could be doing better.

The foregoing fairly describes my own situation when I had the benefit of a series of conversations with Chris Sier. For me that dialog was about going from good to great as a leader. Since each person’s needs and expectations are different, and since you and I have never met, I will not delve into the specifics of my journey. I will however say that I found myself in a very safe and supportive environment that was at the same time challenging. In retrospect, Chris skillfully coached me to recognize my strengths and leverage them. She also helped me confront the thing that was holding me back from being really comfortable as a leader. With her help, we devised a series of strategies and actions that have enabled me far more that I would have anticipated. This has resulted in increased confidence with my leadership, my team, and clients.

You are reading this because you are considering investing in your future as a leader. If you are ready to be challenged (in a very nice way), and willing to take some personal risk I can think of no more productive activity than to engage in a series of coaching sessions with Chris. If after reading this you would like to have a conversation with me, Chris knows how to reach me. If she gives you my number, I would be delighted to have that conversation.

Brent Temple
Account Executive, Washington, D.C.