Workplace Wisdom

How to handle the times when work, well…to put it bluntly, just sucks.

What are your Elephants in the Room?

What are your Elephants in the Room?

“What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us.” ~ Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life We all have beliefs that help us move forward and grow. This blog, however, is about those beliefs that...

What If 2021 Is My Best Year Ever!

What If 2021 Is My Best Year Ever!

2020 has been the most long-drawn-out year I have ever experienced, not only challenging because of Covid-19 but mentally exhausting and stressful.  Many suffer from Pandemic fatigue, feeling...

New Normal Requires New Habits

New Normal Requires New Habits

Habits – Routines – Rituals We live in a wacky, wonky world, and healthy, positive habits can mean the difference between order and chaos, ease and burden, or success and failure. Nathaniel Emmons,...

I am a better team builder through my new ability

I am a better team builder through my new ability to connect with people in a different way that allows me to bring together the right mix of people from sales support, delivery, and senior account people to create a high performance and highly successful team contributing to the win of multiple sales pursuits totaling $200M+.

Aage Edvardsen
Managing Director, Scandinavia