New Normal Requires New Habits

Habits – Routines – Rituals

We live in a wacky, wonky world, and healthy, positive habits can mean the difference between order and chaos, ease and burden, or success and failure.

Nathaniel Emmons, American Theologian, once said, “Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.” A major working habit of mine was to work hard, do everything, and don’t stop until I dropped. When you try to do everything, you can’t excel. Quality can suffer over time. Not to mention, my health took a toll.  For me, this habit was the worst of masters. When it was almost too late (I fell asleep behind the wheel of my car on the highway in rush hour), my life and work monumentally shifted when I made life and work altering changes.

So, even knowing we need to make changes or there could be dire consequences, we often keep doing what we always do. Why?

It all starts with the brain.

Thinking takes lots of energy. The executive function, located in the very front of the brain, is evolved to facilitate decision making and other cognitive abilities. Without it, we would not be able to coordinate or monitor those abilities or behavior, but it does need a ton of firepower.

Over eons, the brain became extraordinarily efficient. It develops repetitive behavior habits to conserve energy, creating deep neural pathways it can call upon when needed. Whatever you call them—habits, processes, routines, or rituals—they can be so ingrained in our brain, they are automatic. We don’t even think about it; we do it. Consider getting ready in the morning or swimming or riding a bicycle as examples.

Getting ready in the morning becomes a snap, no thinking involved because we are now on cruise control while dealing with more significant issues like what we need to do to complete that project due this afternoon.  Habits make life and work easier (we hope)—efficient, yes, useful—maybe, maybe not.

The brain does not know when a habit is good for us or unhealthy or can get in the way of our success.  It just thinks that if we continue to do something, it must be something important, so it creates those connections, and voila, we have ourselves a habit!

A New Habit Can Be Daunting – It’s Change

When habits take away energy, lowers productivity, or becomes an obstacle, it becomes quite challenging to change them since they have become, well, habitual.

A former client was so frustrated because he could not get essential tasks done. There were so many things needing his attention; they were distracting him from getting anything done! We used the following process to focus on what he wanted to complete and reduce or eliminate distractions by creating new work and personal habits.

1. What Tasks Are Not Getting Done?

List outstanding tasks. My client made a list of work and personal tasks that he needed to complete. Undone tasks can be energy drains.

Give each item on your list a priority number—no two things having the same number. The brain loves putting everything in sequence.  Can whatever falls to the bottom be eliminated? Will you ever complete them? If not, removing them is energizing.

2. Be clear on what it is you want to accomplish.

This list can further refine what you want to accomplish. What would taking care of the top three priority items do for you? To complete them, you may need time you feel you cannot free up because of all the stuff you have to do. So, what will it take to free time on your calendar?  What needs to change? Do you have the habit of saying yes to everything, for example? Perhaps, you attend every invited meeting, rather than the ones you need to attend to achieve your goals.

Our behaviors become locked in as habits, and we do the same actions repeatedly and then wonder retrospectively how did I allow that to happen?

3. What is one habit you want to change?

It is easier to change one habit or behavior than to try to change many.  It is too overwhelming.

4. Ask yourself how committed are you to changing that habit.

Rate the habit you want to change on a scale of 1 to 10, one being least committed to ten being thoroughly committed! Pick a practice you would commit to that is seven or higher.  If your commitment scale registers lower than seven, you probably won’t follow through with the change.

5. Decide on what steps you need to take to change that habit.

Determine in what order you need to do them.

6. Schedule those steps into your calendar.

Schedule and protect time in your calendar to focus on those items you want to complete. Remember, commitments to yourself are as crucial as commitments to others.

7. Habits don’t change overnight.

To overlay old habits, you need to repeat these new actions at least 30 times.  Put stickies on your desk, bathroom mirror, car dashboard.  Anywhere they’re required to remind yourself of the new habits you are creating.  It is a conscious effort before it can become an unconscious habit.

8. Don’t feel guilty if you lapse.

Old habits don’t want to be left behind.  If you have a lapse, forgive yourself and begin again.

I can attest to all of the above!

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About Chris Sier

Over the course of her career, Chris Sier has been a leader, business development manager, process consultant, and corporate coach. Having been an executive/leadership/career coach with a Fortune 200 company; and since 2009, as a business owner, Chris has worked with VPs, directors, team leaders, and high potentials globally, working with clients to maintain their competitive edge, manage complexity, drive growth and operational efficiency, and inspire and engage multi-generational teams. She also works with clients on their brand and career management. She has authored numerous booklets and articles, and has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Community Development with a minor in Psychology from Central Michigan University.


She helped me grow and succeed

Christine was my Executive Life Coach for about a year at EDS. I have worked with a number of Coaches, Counselors and Mentors during my career and none came close to having the impact Christine had on my life and career. I was working in an extremely stressful position during an extremely difficult project of migrating over 300 applications from 47 separate support vendors around the globe to an EDS support team. I had complete responsibility for the client relationship, the financials, and the technical aspects of the transition while also maintaining EDS' existing business with the client. Christine taught me a number of simple yet highly effective techniques for dealing with the stress. Her personal, sincere, and upbeat approach helped me get through a real death march. At the same time, she also helped me do some extremely important career planning for what would come after this project. She is truly outstanding at what she does and helped me grow and succeed during a period when I could easily have been crushed.

Kurt Toelken
Global Client Delivery Executive, Detroit, MI

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