Overcoming Overwhelm, Overworked, and Over Stressed
I learned the hard way that constantly striving to keep up with work can feel like running a marathon that never stops. In my previous career, I worked 24/7 in IT. I was overworked and overwhelmed. Constant problems, demanding deadlines, and the long hours were taking their toll. My brain wouldn’t shut down, and I couldn’t sleep. I drank gallons of coffee and ate lots of carbs and sugar to keep going. As a result, I was cranky and highly stressed.
One day my brain said STOP, and on my way home, I fell asleep behind the wheel of my car at 80 MPH. Luckily I woke up before causing a major accident. I swore there had to be a better way.
I found a coach who helped me incorporate new work habits, strengthen boundaries, and discover my untapped potential. It changed my life and my career path to coaching.
My 3 C’s Model
I like simple, and I distilled my coaching philosophy into 3 C’s.
The first “C” is CLARITY.
The clearer you are on what motivates you and what you want to achieve, the easier it is to plot and implement your strategy for accomplishing your goals. In reacting to life in general and work specifically, we may be unable to describe the values we bring to every project and task—what helps define who we are, what we love, and what makes us happy.
Remembering who you are and what you stand for will be crucial as you plot your career and life journey. Reflection is important. By taking the free assessment on www.16personalities.com to uncover your personality traits, your findings will give you insight into how you show up in day-to-day exchanges.
Also, see my Blog Posts: “What’s Your Brand” and “Are You Effectively Communicating Your Brand’s Value” for more tips to clarify how you show up at work and determine if you want to change how you are perceived, where you find satisfaction and happiness.
The second “C” is CONSISTENCY.
Establishing work habits that help you become more productive, and most importantly, effective, that are consistent enables you to measure whether those habits are working for you or you need to make adjustments.
If you are working the way you have always done, having been successful in the past, those habits might not be as effective now because the world has evolved in new and challenging ways. Unfortunately, those old habits have become comfy and deeply entrenched. New practices are uncomfortable but worth creating if they are simpler to execute, reduce stress or overwhelm, and are more productive.
When evaluating the process you use in managing work, consider the distinction between “Efficient” and “Effective.” Efficient is completing as many tasks as possible, which could cause more rework because they were completed too quickly. Effective requires doing the right things right. What are the right tasks to accomplish your objectives?
For more tips, read my recent Blog Post, “What Are You Putting Off That is Getting In The Way of Your Success,” for ideas and strategies to make changes to simplify your work.
The third “C” is CIVILITY.
Civility encompasses courtesy, transparency, and respect, engaging clients, colleagues, and employees, who want to work with you rather than against you. The third “C” also signifies compassion and consideration for others and courage to be true to your values.
When rushed, distracted by social media, or overwhelmed with work, we can be brusque and impatient. But, on the other hand, when we slow down and focus on others, we can remember to listen, be patient, and ask clarifying questions.
Remember, we always have a choice to respond instead of reacting. Read my Blog Post, “5 Ways to Create Your New Normal Now and After the Virus Crisis,” for ideas on ways to make changes for a more compelling life.
Putting It All Together
The 3 C’s work together seamlessly, enabling you to be more adaptable, flexible, and resilient. So, by clarifying your best approach while being Consistent in managing your work to create your most productive environment, your life becomes more straightforward. Furthermore, being Civil in all your interactions (not always easy, but with practice gets easier) can make for a less stressful, just whelmed (again with practice) life!
If you would like more tips, my “100+ Tips: Taking the Busyness Out of Business: Doing the Right Things, Not Everything!” is available on Amazon at https://amzn.to/3mg0cvW.
Chris Sier is an Executive and Career Management Coach, supporting her clients to become the person they want to be, uncovering their untapped potential, and achieving those challenging goals they thought were too difficult or impossible to attain. You can connect with Chris at Chris@ExecutivePotentialPlus.com.